For some time, shopping has oriented around the customer experience as much as the products on display. As a result, vertical transport is an essential part of retail therapy. For successful retailers, a well-maintained lift, that utilises the latest technology and gives the best possible journey through its stores, is crucial to providing a great customer experience. The experience is vital to a store’s performance during sale periods, to ensure that in-store travel does not prevent any purchases at the till point.
Maintenance adapted to fit with your schedule
To overcome lifts being taken out of service during busy retail periods, PIP Lifts can structure a maintenance programme that fits in with your stores in-house maintenance schedules. When planning retail lift maintenance regimes, we will always work with you and consider opening times, passenger traffic flow and budget.
When working in any environment, and in particular for the retail sector where the public come in to proximity of our work, we always place safety barriers around our work area and out of service signs on each affected lift entrance to inform shoppers of the lift being under maintenance.